The meeting on Tuesday between Union Minister Rajnath Singh, Union Minister Amit Shah, and BJP president J P Nadda with Vice President Venkaiah Naidu has gained significance ahead of the BJP parliamentary board meeting, which will take place today to consider the BJP-led NDA’s presidential nominees. The meeting has fuelled speculation that Venkaiah Naidu could be considered for the highest constitutional position.
There is also speculation that a Girijan candidate may be nominated for President, as four states, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Rajasthan, and Jharkhand, are preparing for elections, and the bulk of Girijans live in these areas. It is said to be intended at swaying girijan voters. The BJP is also lobbying for Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan, former Jharkhand Governor Draupadi Murmu, and Chhattisgarh Governor Anasuya Ukey to be nominated for the coveted position of President.
Yashwant Sinha, a former Union Minister, is, on the other hand, generating headlines as the frontrunner in the Presidential election when the TMC nominated him as the joint-Opposition candidate.
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Heavy Rains In Telangana For Next Three Days
The people of Telangana have been alerted because of moderate to heavy rains in the state for the next three days, according to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD).
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