Ramakrishna Rao will succeed Somesh Kumar as Chief Secretary of the Telangana Government. Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao is learnt to have finally opted in favour of Rao. Others in the race were MA&UD Special Chief secretary Arvind Kumar and Santha Kumari. Rao is said to be close to .
It is to mention here that In a major administrative development, the Telangana High Court on Tuesday quashed the order of the Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT), Hyderabad, staying allotment of senior IAS officer and state Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar to Andhra Pradesh cadre.
Somesh Kumar, who is to retire in December 2023, is learned to be against going back to AP and is likely to seek voluntary retirement following which the possibility of appointing him as another advisor is also not ruled out.
Somesh Kumar has been playing a major role in the implementation of various schemes being implemented by the government. This decision at a time when the government was to face elections next year has come as a major shock and setback for the state government.
The High Court also refused to give time to Somesh to go in for an appeal. Following this, the Department of Personnel, Government of India issued an order relieving him from the post of Chief Secretary Government of Telangana and asked him to report to Andhra Pradesh by Thursday.
In 2016, CAT allocated 13 All India Service Officers to the state who were originally allotted to Andhra Pradesh which includes Somesh Kumar, Anjani Kumar IPS, Abhilasha Bisht IPS, Abhishek Mohanty IPS, Ronald Rose IAS among a few.
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Heavy Rains In Telangana For Next Three Days
The people of Telangana have been alerted because of moderate to heavy rains in the state for the next three days, according to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD).
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