Hyderabad, Aug 3 (Maxim News): Minister Ch. Malla Reddy said in the Assembly lobby that he will decide who will be the candidate of which party in Medchal Constituency. He made it clear that he will decide who should be the candidate in the Congress party as well.
He said that he had given the ticket during the last election. He said that they are creating group conflicts in Congress. He revealed that he has friends in the Congress leadership. the IT officials said that they did not see a room in his house with money and that money is now being spent on elections. He said that Congress and BJP have no other subject except the issue of a double bedroom.
He said that people have forgotten the development he has done and are listening to the provocative words of the opposition. He said that the expansion of the cabinet meant that Malla Reddy would lose his post. Malla Reddy that the graph has increased after the attack on Revanth Reddy. some people said that the media is doing false propaganda. soon the media company will make four Telangana accent films a year. Malla Reddy said that whatever happens, everything should be for our good. (Maxim News)
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