• Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

Harish Rao Performs Maha Mrithyunjaya Yagnam

Muslims Are Leading An Insecure Life In BJP-Ruled States: Harish RaoMuslims Are Leading An Insecure Life In BJP-Ruled States: Harish Rao

Hyderabad, Dec.14 (Hydnow): The State Finance Minister Harish Rao graces Maha Mrithyunjaya Yagnam performed to protect people.

The Finance Minister not only graced but also spent a lot of time, did yagnam and donated Rs 1.5 lakh his personal money from his salary to India’s 2nd Biggest Cow Shelter—Satyam Shivam Sundaram Gau Nivas towards its one-day maintenance expenditure. Harish handed over the cheque to Dharam Raj Ranka, the founder of the Satyam Shivam Sundaram Gau Nivas.

The Minister who said he would there for half an hour spent more than two hours and lauded the efforts of 82 years old Dharam Raj Ranka, a jeweller turned animal(cow) lover, who established the Satyam Shivam Sundaram Gau Nivas more than 20 years ago.


‘I understand that 5500 cows who are rescued from the clutches of butchers are given a royal treatment. And they don’t even sell the milk. It is a very laudable effort, said Harish Rao. And appreciated Dharam Raj Ranka, the one-man army with a difference. Ranka is on a mission protecting India’s most revered animal cow, rescuing from the jaws of death from slaughterhouses and runs two Goshalas. He also lauded the efforts of Satyam Shivam Sundaram Gau Nivas for performing Maha Mrityunjaya Yagnam for Good of people across the globe and to protect them from the Covid.

I am equally amused to know the way cow shelter is maintained by clean and tidy by employing 115 employees. I also came to know that it is India’s second-biggest and south India’s biggest cow shelter.

The Minister highlighted the importance of Cow and recited a few hymns which talk about the importance of cow in Hindu dharma. He also stressed upon the importance of bio-pesticides and organic farming, urging people to stop using chemical pesticides. We must go back to our age-old traditions in terms of using pesticides. In my constitution, I have donated 150 cows to those ideal farmers cultivating organic crops to encourage them, he said.


Speaking on the occasion Dharam Raj Ranka said the Maha Yagna is organized to protect people from COVID-19. Maha Mrityunjaya Puja devoted to Lord Shiva is to avoid premature death and is performed to attain success over death. Though we wanted to do early, the situation did not allow us. It is not late as COVID is here for more time as the vaccine takes a little longer time than anticipated.

I am bowled over by your simplicity, Dharam Raj Ranka, who dedicated his life for the animal cow, told Harish Rao. And wished him to reach greater heights in a political career. He also thanked the Minister for accepting invitation without thinking much about it and he just took one minute to say yes to the program, Ranka shared.

The Yagnam was performed by Swami Satyaveerji. Speaking later the Swami also highlighted the importance of cow in Indian culture. Hindus consider the cow to be a sacred symbol of life that should be protected and revered. In the Vedas, the oldest of the Hindu scriptures, the cow is associated with Aditi, the mother of all the gods. In our olden days those who had more cows were considered to be rich he told. Nandudu had 10,000 cows he reminded. Our ancient economy was based on the cow. Now it is different he said


Maha Mrityunjaya Yaganm is done for the prolonged existence and healthy life of people from all over the world irrespective of any caste, creed, religion. It is also done as a cure of unending illness and healthy life informed Dharamraj Ranka, Founder of South India’s biggest Cow Shelter, Satyam Shivam Sundaram Gaunivas.

As a matter of principle, Dharam Raj Ranka stopped wearing footwear for the past 25years. Undeterred by the cold, he freely moves everywhere without chappal and travels only in Auto.

Over 5000 animal lovers(in small, small batches), Cow Bhakt graced the day-long Maha Mrityunjaya Yagnam at different timings all through the day. (Hydnow)


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