Hyderabad, July 3 (Hydnow): Governor Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan conducted a surprise inspection at Osmania General Hospital today.
During her visit, she inspected the Quli Qutb Shah block of Osmania Hospital, the block inspected is the ancient building and also many departments and wards, and also interacted with the patients. Governor Tamilisai covered her nose as she went to the toilet area. she asked the staff how they are staying in this situation.
Principal of the Medical College, Sasikala welcomed the Governor who came to visit the hospital and explained the facilities, difficulties, and the government’s efforts. Later, the Governor spoke to the media and said that she understood the problems faced by the patients. She said that the situation in Osmania Hospital is very bad. The Governor replied to the tweet titled ‘Justice for OGH”
The Governor commented that due to the old building, the construction capacity of the building has decreased, because of this the roofs are falling in some wards and there is a need to construct a new building. she herself talked to many in-patients and inquired about the problems being faced with the medical services being provided in the hospital. she also focused on the problems coming with the old building.
she appreciated the way the judges responded to the Governor’s petition, reminding her of the ongoing trial in the High Court on the need to construct a new building for this hospital. She said that the toilets available for in-patient use in Osmania Hospital are bad and an average of 200 surgeries are being done per day, but there is not enough infrastructure for it.
As the Governor made the surprise visit to Osmania General Hospital, the Minister for Medical, Health and Family Welfare and Finance T. Harish Rao reacted strongly to the Governor’s retweet in response to the tweet made by a few on the plight of Osmania Hospital. Harish Rao responded in his own style to her comments that the condition of the hospital was painful. Now, at the same time that she herself went to visit the hospital. He also held a review meeting in the Secretariat with the available relevant officials. (Hydnow)
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