Hyderabad: City Police Commissioner, CV Anand on Monday took charge of the Director of Telangana State Police Integrated Command and Control Centre (TSPICCC).
Anand said that the State government sanctioned 400 posts including a Director – Additional DG rank-, a DIG, 2 SsP, 4 ASsP, 6 DSsP, and Inspector and sub-inspector to manage all the aspects of operations and management at the ICCC building.
Later, Anand also held a meeting with staff during which he briefed them about the vision and objectives of the most advanced facility. He urged them to work to synergize and leverage technology, data analysis, apps, and other elements to render good service to the public.
In the meeting, they were the formulation of targets, work allotment to the officers, meticulous budget projections, and the articulation of a comprehensive action plan. Directives were issued to initiate tenders for establishing vital amenities within the building, including a canteen and gymnasium.
It was also decided to pursue with all other departments like GHMC and irrigation etc., to locate their teams in the command control center so as to start the process of Multi Agency Operations in a synchronized form.
After taking charge he went around the building along with other officials and inspected the ongoing projects. He later had a meeting with the officials.
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