Hyderabad, July 15 (Hydnow): Centre for Professional Development of Urdu Medium Teachers (CPDUMT), Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) organized a one-day orientation program “21st Century Skills for Teachers” yesterday at its College of Teacher Education (CTE), Bidar, Karnataka.
Addressing the inaugural session, Dr. Abdul Qadeer, Chairman, of Shaheen Group of Educational Institutions, said that teachers and institutions have an important role to play in bringing social change.
Prof. Siddiqui Mohd. Mahmood, Dean, School of Education & Training presided over. He emphasized collaboration between the institutions.
More than 60 teachers from various Schools in Bidar participated in the program.
An exhibition of Teaching Resources prepared by the students of MANUU CTE Bidar was also organized during the program.

Prof. Sadaqat Ali Khan, Principal, MANUU CTE Bidar welcomed the guests. Prof. Mohd Abdul Sami Siddiqui, Director, Centre, briefed about the aims & objectives of the program. Mr. Misbah Anzar, Assistant Professor convened the program.
Later, Dr. Mohd. Talib Ather Ansari, Associate Professor, CTE Bidar delivered talk on “Learning Skills”, Dr. Jarrar Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Department of Education & Training spoke on “Digital Literacy” and Prof. Siddiqui Mohd. Mahmood talked about “Life Skills” in technical sessions.
Prof. Shamsul Hoda appointed HoD Urdu, MANUU
Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan, Vice-Chancellor, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) has appointed Prof. Shamsul Hoda as Head, Department of Urdu, MANUU.
According to the order issued by Prof. SK. Ishtiaque Ahmed, Registrar, Prof. Shamsul Hoda is appointed for a period of two years with effect from 15.07.2022. He has taken the charge of Head from Prof. Mohd. Farooq Bakshi, Department of Urdu today.
Research Scholars & Students of the department felicitated the newly appointed Head. (Hydnow)
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